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Netherlands - COVID-19 Vaccination for Foreign Crew extended to all Dutch Ports

COVID-19 Vaccination for Foreign Crew will be available as from 01st of September 2021 in all ports in The Netherlands

The Netherlands COVID-19 Vaccination Programme for Seafarers initiated by the Dutch government, Health Authorities and Shipping Associations will be extended to all ports in the Netherlands to cover all seafarers of all ships embarking on international voyages over sea, except cruiseships and pleasure crafts as from 01st of September

The COVID-19 vaccines (Jansen / Johnson & Johnson) will be provided by the Dutch Health Authority.

Vaccinations will take place at an onshore location in the the port areas and appointment needs to be made via our agency, who can also arrange for transportation of the crew.

Important notes:

- A vaccination can be requested, but cannot be claimed.

- Vaccination shall be on voluntary basis and give to the seafarer based on free will.

- Dutch authorities will cover the costs for the vaccines and provided free of charge.

Fee for administration and labour costs of vaccination team to are Euro 45,00 per crewmember.

Please distribute this message to your relevant crewing department or crewing agency in case you are not the handling crew matters.

For full details and conditions of the vaccination campaign and further assistance please contact our Agency Department for all Dutch ports as follows:

Agency Department - Rotterdam

+31 10 850 7001


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